Owner Reference

Owners: In an effort to help us keep our database up-to-date, please complete this form when you:

  1. move
  2. change phone numbers
  3. require changes to the existing address we have on file
  4. add or change management company or on-island emergency contact

Once completed, please email the form to the General Manager at: aoaomv@gmail.com


Owner Changes/Updates Form

Owner Changes/Updates Form (Fillable PDF)

Wondering what your HOA dues will be in 2020?

Below is the new calculations for 2020.  Simply find the amount you “were” paying during 2019 and see the new rate under 2020 next to it.

Please note:  Owners who have HOA dues automatically withdrawn do not have to do anything to adjust dues payment.  Our accountant will adjust it to the correct amount.

Maintenance Fees Old New
Unit Unit% 2019 2020
AA1 0.00332 516 552
B1 0.00322 501 535
C1 0.00346 538 575
C2 0.00337 524 560
DD1 0.00463 720 770
EE1 0.00451 701 750
F 0.0048 747 798
G 0.0032 498 532
HH1 0.003387 526 563
J 0.00332 516 552
KK1 0.004689 729 780
L 0.00462 719 768

Special Assessment:  The Board of Directors has found it necessary to impose a Special Assessment for 2020.  In 2018 we received notification that our parking lot lights were not in compliance with Maui Code Chapter 20.35. – Outdoor lighting.   Additional lights had been added several years ago to provide for extra illumination for security purposes.  The parking light fixtures that were not in compliance with the county lighting code had to be removed.

This has resulted in poorly illuminated sections of the parking lot.  Owners and visiting guests have commented about the poor lighting.  Plans for improving parking lot illumination have been available in the front office for owner inspection for the past year and progress reports in each of the quarterly board meeting minutes.  The final plan is to install another set of lights (similar to our existing county approved lights) on the north side of the parking lot, offset between the existing lights on the south side of the driveway.  Following the recommendations of our Security committee, there will be additional illumination at back parking lot, and a coaxial cable connection installed for a new security camera for the back parking lot.

The Hawaiian legislature and Maui County is considering legislation requiring electric vehicle charging stations at condominiums.  The Hawaiian legislature is expected to require hotels and condominiums to have electric vehicle charging stations in the future.  The AOAO has developed plans for electrical power connections from an electrical room that will be ready for electric vehicle charging stations in our parking lot.  The installation of this power line conduit is part of the 2020 overall plan.

The repaving of the parking lots has been delayed by the expensive drain pipe repair (epoxy recoating of the pipes) that severely strained our reserves and required an $850,000 bank loan.  In order to protect our property, it is important to address the items that have been delayed because of the pipe problem.  Since we do not have enough money in the reserves to cover this major project (parking lot lights, parking lot repaving, and conduit for EV charging capability) the Board finds it necessary to levy a special assessment to cover the $600,000 project.

Owners of single bedroom units will be required to pay approximately $2000 per unit.  Owners of fourth floor units will be required to pay approximately $2800 per unit.  The exact amount by unit % is shown below.  The web site has a listing of the amount for each individual unit.  Payment plans are being finalized; however, the entire amount must be paid by 31 July 2020.  More information will be available early next year.

 2020   Special Assessment 
Unit Unit % Assessment
A, A1 0.00332 $1,992.00
B1 0.00322 $1,932.00
C1 0.00346 $2,076.00
C2 0.00337 $2,022.00
D, D1 0.00463 $2,778.00
E, E1 0.00451 $2,706.00
F 0.00480 $2,880.00
G 0.00320 $1,920.00
H, H1 0.00338 $2,028.00
J 0.00332 $1,992.00
K, K1 0.00468 $2,814.00
L 0.00462 $2,772.00